Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Making mescal

Feb 29, 2012

Well, this was a day to remember.  We visited a 75-year-old man who is producing mescal using the same techniques and much of the same equipment as his father did before him.

We saw it all -- the fields where the plants grow, the enormous rock-lined pit where the plants are boiled, the stone grinder for crusher, fermentation beds, distiller, wooden troughs where the liquor runs off, collection vessels.

Rock bath at centre shown in close-up below

The mule had the day off

Fermentation vat

Mescal collects here and is filtered into vessels

Liquor runs along wooden trough

Of course we did some sampling.

Note the tree growing growing through the roof.

I found this definition of mescal, which says it all:
  • a colorless alcoholic liquor of Mexico made from pulque or other fermented agave juice: it is lower in quality and rougher in taste than tequila


  1. Isn't it mescal that plays a key role in Under the Volcano? Thanks for the tour - a way of life that will disappear and only be captured in photos like these. The maker looks remarkably young - is it a preservative or does he not indulge?

  2. Yes, Jesus looks fit and hardy and I kept thinking his age is 65, not 75. I believe he conducts some quality control sampling of his product. Grand fellow, and very hospitable.
