Monday, March 5, 2012

Uphill to Contreras

Feb 26, 2012

With only a few weeks left in this part of Mexico we begin a short (and slow) journey south of Lake Chapala.  First, we reverse our initial trip of the season and return to the mountains overlooking Lake Chapala.  Happily, the berry stands are still in operation and we once again could choose from luscious strawberries (fresas), raspberries (frambuesas) and blackberries (zarzamoras).

We have taken this drive to and from the lakeshore numerous times but never have I been able to capture the full impact of the view over the lake.  I keep trying, here and everywhere we drive, to snap pictures from the window of the moving vehicle (typically the roads are too narrow to contemplate pulling over) but the results are always less than I hope for.  Trust me, the view is spectacular.

At Hacienda Contreras we received warm greetings from owners Barb and Sal, several Canadian RV friends . . . and from the kitties, who offered a complementary tire inspection.

1 comment:

  1. I often had the same problem in NZ with panoramas - no place to stop and the camera, unlike the human eye, just doesn't capture it.

    Cats are so thoughtful - lol
