Tuesday, April 3, 2012


A little explanatory note.

The blog got away from me in mid-March.  I was already behind a week when I picked up a bug and was unwell for several days.  This blog is meant to be a tribute to our time in Mexico and a souvenir for Jim and me of this country we have come to love so I decided to finish it no matter how late.  The posts that come after this one were written after we returned to Newfoundland.  In most cases I provide the date when the events described actually took place.

As I post this note in early April, Vagrant Van is being decommissioned at Rio Verde RV Park in Cottonwood, Arizona.  We had a trouble-free trip from the Lake Chapala area up the Pacific Coast of Mexico.  After crossing the border at Nogales we spent a few days in Tucson and then in Phoenix.  In both cities we enjoyed the company and generous hospitality of friends old and new.

We have chosen a storage yard and expect to park the RV on Thursday, then leave Friday night to fly home.  The mountains surrounding us glow with colour and we can't wait to do some exploring.  Not sure if we'll have any time this week but there is next winter to look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. Please do! I was just starting to worry at your silence, esp. after the ominous illness post! (I'm a good worrier ;-))
