Sunday, April 29, 2012

Uruapan national park

March 13, 2012
It was a short trip but new turf for us.  We checked into a hotel-cum-RV park and took a cab to Eduardo Ruiz Park.  Conversion of the beautiful natural area surrounding the Cupatitzio River into a national park began in 1938. It is located right in the city of Uruapan (population ~300,000) and named for a previous owner of the property. 

Waterfalls are numerous, interspersed with pretty pools. 

Behind us is a curtain of water, flowing down a stone wall.

We bought trout from the park's fish farm.

Some high school students were surveying park visitors and we were willing subjects.  This was not the first time we have encountered school kids set loose to gather responses from strangers.

Great park, a great oasis in the city.  The water was an extraordinary colour and incredibly clear.

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