Saturday, May 5, 2012

Angahuan and area

March 14, 2012
After our exploration of the encased church we had a special treat -- a lunch of blue tortillas with our choice of fillings.  There was a moment when I noticed that the women operating this stall had obviously arrived by truck.  I wondered why the option of driving in was not mentioned in any of the tourist literature we had read.  On the other had, approaching on foot through the woods had made quite an impact.  And the recommended road was about the worst we had ever driven.

Notice the metate or grinding stone.
The hike back up to the RV was a little more challenging than coming down, but still only took an hour.  (By the way, I suspect Lonely Planet was wrong is saying it was 2.8 miles. More likely 2.8 km.)

Along the way we saw lupins, just like those in our garden at home, sharing space with cacti -- none of which grace our property back home.

Vagrant Van was waiting for us at the tourist parking area and we took advantage of one of the fringe benefits of travelling by RV.  We were hot and sticky and our legs were black where the volcanic dust had stuck to the sunscreen.  No problem.  We had our shower with us so were squeaky clean before moving on!

1 comment:

  1. OK - that was challenge - what are lupins doing in Mexico?! Well, apparently they get around
