Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hasta Luego Mexico

Monday, March 26, 2012 to Tuesday morning

The last full day of our Mexican journey was anticlimactic.  We'd left the ocean behind and the mountains no longer dominated our route.  We could have easily made it to Nogales in Arizona, but sometimes traffic backs up at the border and we decided to cross in the morning when we would not be stressed for time.  As we neared Magdalena de Kino, road construction slowed our progress and we were happy to call it a day.  Our accommodation was the back lot of a motel.

We had our usual late afternoon shower to cool down.  Jim popped open a beer and poured me a tequila cocktail.  I used the last of the fresh white cheese to make an exceptional pizza.  We spent the evening reminiscing about our four winters in Mexico.  It has been a joy getting to know this country and its marvelous people.  Everywhere we went we were greeted with great cordiality.  Every part of the country astonished us with its beauty and its history.  How fortunate we were to come here.


In the morning we stopped a few kilometers short of the border to turn in our motorhome permit and our visitors' visas.  When I attempted to convert some pesos into dollars, the woman at the kiosk turned me away.  This was the booth for new arrivals in Mexico to buy pesos.  I would get a better exchange rate selling my pesos at the kiosk across the highway and she would not take advantage of me!

I took a final photo of this sculpture as we passed through a small town.  

Adios, hasta la vista, gracias Mexico.

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