Monday, June 4, 2012

San Carlos

Sunday, March 25, 2012

We were skeptical when the Churches' guidebook warned of the possibility of fog north of Los Mochis, but there it was.  It brought only the tiniest twinge of homesickness.

This was another day of 5-6 hours on the road.  Our preference is NOT to strain ourselves or our rig by punching in 10 or 12 hour days.  Many people would drive from the Tepic area to the border in 2 days but we were in no rush.  This was our first visit to the northwest coast and we may want to return, so it's good to get a sense of the place.

Our last stop on the coast was Totonaka RV Park in San Carlos.  It was the largest park we have visited, with 130 sites.  For some campers this is the first and only stop in Mexico.  There is a community of RVers that spends the entire winter here, just a day's drive from the U.S.

We had dinner at an upstairs restaurant as the sun set over the bay, our last view of the ocean for this year.

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