Sunday, January 15, 2012

Back on Board

From Mexico City we took a 7-hour bus ride northwest to Jiquipan, near the boundary between Michoacan and Jalisco states.  Our destination was Hacienda Contreras, a wonderful RV park just outside Valle de Juarez. Owners Barb and Sal fetched us from the bus and brought us ‘home’ to our RV.

Next morning we got acquainted with some of the new park residents, including Don Quijote, the donkey (Barb's Christmas surprise from Sal) and a trio of gorgeous kittens, two of whom had the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen, almost aquamarine.  Mom Cat and a sleek tuxedo male from last season also popped by often.  And there were the dogs, and the new puppy.  Did I mention the park also had human RVers, most of them from Canada and most of the Canadians from BC?


  1. Looks like a Siamese was involved somewhere ;-)

    1. Three kittens in the litter: one standard tabby, one creamy beige with dark highlights, one with classic Siamese markings and the high-strung personality to match. Gorgeous but deadly.
