Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Roca Azul

During our four winters in Mexico we have stayed in quite an array of RV parks.  We tend to be 'movers' rather than 'stayers', rarely spending more than a week at a time in a given park.  Several parks had seen better days and were only tolerable because of their location, for example, the parks close to the centre of Guadalajara, Oaxaca and Ciudad Victoria.  Others were absolutely charming, but we managed only a single visit as we have not returned to that part of the country.

Hotel Tepetipan in Catemaco with its fabulous trees and marvellous host Gene.

The Maya Bell in  in Palenque has a natural pool and howler monkeys that scream in the night.  Oh, and Mayan ruins within walking distance.

If you read the previous posts you knows of our great affection for Hacienda Contreras and owners Barb and Sal who go far beyond anything you could imagine in tending to their visitors' needs.

Now we are back at Roca Azul, a special place we found in 2010 and have returned to each year, like the Monarch butterflies drawn to their winter sanctuary.  The Roca Azul Resort was established in the 1960s and includes the RV park complete with swimming pools (one fed by a warm spring), playing fields, a large clubhouse, rental properties  . . . and a lighthouse.

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