Thursday, February 16, 2012


Guadalajara, GDL, or 'Guad':  it's the Big Smoke in the region of Mexico known as the Western Central Highlands.  The population is at least 4.5 million, the traffic is ferocious, but it's a great city to visit.

The RV park is just at the edge of the city, so a bus and subway trip took us to the Centro.  We strolled through the enormous market, buying only a pork torta.  Our first sandwich here two years ago opened our eyes and stomachs to this gastronomic delight.

The central area of the city is a long corridor of linked plazas filled with fountains and sculptures, and surrounded by museums, galleries, churches and other historic properties.

Not all sculptures feature famous faces.


  1. The pork torta consists of braised pork in a crusty bun such as a bolillo, which may also contain carmelized onions and sliced vegetables such as tomato and avocado. And maybe cheese or beans. The meat is tender, spicy and juicy and the sandwich is offered with a choice of condiments and sauces, as if more were needed. Tortas can also be made with many other meats, all hot off the grill, but pork is our favourite. Part of the charm is the huge opportunity for the luscious juices to drip from your chin to your toe.
