Monday, February 27, 2012

Rainy day jobs and an RV for sale

Events of:  Feb 9 - 16

It 'never' rains in this part of Mexico in February, so an entire week of cool, wet weather was not well received in the camping community.  It's also more than true that not a single friend or family member back in Canada is going to waste a millisecond of concern for any inconvenience this might cause.  And no, it never occurred to me to record this memorable event in photographs.

In our case, the rain-soaked week was put to good use.  We had a couple of projects in mind for the RV so we had bought the materials as we arrived in Guadalajara and were ready to go to work.  It would have been ideal to haul everything outside the RV to keep the mess under control but that was not to be.  In spite of the hassles, Jim was able to reposition one of the dinette seats, including moving the water tank, and create new wood framing for the seats.  Then we ripped up the old carpet and installed new vinyl floor tiles, which will be far easier to keep clean.  And applied fresh paint to the main living area.  And bought fabric to re-cover the seat cushions when we find someone to do the sewing.

Note the steamed windows.

It was so darned wet we could not even reward ourselves by going out for dinner, so every night we had to clear off enough space to sit and eat.  In the end we survived it all and are delighted with the new look.  We think now we should sell Vagrant Van while all is well and get a newer model.

End of a long day.

Here is the link to the description of the RV:  Vagrant Van for Sale

1 comment:

  1. Impressive! Looks very comfortable now - challenging work in the rain!
