Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Checking out Chimulco

Visited park Feb 16-19, 2012

This has not been much of a travelling year for us so far but we did add one new park to our list this month.  Chimulco, in Villa Corona, is a balneario or water park.  Mexico has many aquatic parks, often constructed, as this one is, to take advantage of natural hot springs.  Balnearios typically have large parking areas that are not strained to their limit during the winter RV season.  Some parks permit RVs to park overnight without providing much by way of services.  Chimulco, on the other hand, is a proper trailer park with over 60 sites.

The park borders a lake that is surrounded with a large area of accessible parkland, beautifully treed.  It's another popular destination for Guadalajara residents on weekends and holidays.

We visited with friends we met in previous years.  Several couples are all-winter residents at the park.  They are developing gardens at their site, which they reserve from year to year, and improving on the brick and concrete patios, giving them a sense of belonging.  We see this in many parks.  Winter visitors find a location that suits them (in Mexico there is a place to please everyone) and negotiate with the park management to customize their RV site.  It increases the RVers' enjoyment of the park, confirms their ongoing patronage and enhances the park's appearance.  Some of our RV friends are accomplished gardeners and have created real beauty spots for all to enjoy.

Garden and patio in development at Hacienda Contreras.

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