Friday, February 10, 2012

How this blog works . . . or doesn't

This is our fourth winter RVing in Mexico.  It's been a wonderful experience in this beautiful country.  We have been treated with great kindness and hospitality by the Mexican people we have encountered.  We've come to love the country, though our hearts break for its many problems.  We plan to leave Mexico late this winter to move on to our next adventure, exploring some of the southwestern United States.  This blog is a way for for me to acknowledge and remember our Mexican travels.

Along with what Mexico has given us, we have also become part of the RV world.  In particular we have joined the many Canadians, a smaller number of Americans and citizens of other countries who come to Mexico every winter for the warmth of its climate and people. We have found RVers generally to be sociable people, open to adventure and to fun.  Some of them have become friends we hope to keep forever.

As for the blog, it's never yet been up to date.  I try to select representative pictures of what we see and do and post them with a date that approximates when events actually occurred. You won't see many identifiable individuals other than me and Jim, out of concern for the privacy of others.  Also, it's not always possible to upload pictures due to the quality of our WiFi connection, so sometimes the pictures will be inserted later.  The blog won't serve as a guide to travelling through Mexico.  It's not a daily journal of my life or a philosophical document.  I don't have to admit to any foolish  episodes I'd rather keep to myself.  I'm not trying to recreate Eat, Pray, Love, though I can say that the eating and loving are constants.  The praying mostly happens involuntarily when we driving.  


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