Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Jocotepec Delights

Going to town is not a bit like a trip to Stavanger Drive.  We had a car for a Sunday courtesy of our grand friend Jack, native son of Fortune, Newfoundland, now retired at Roca Azul after a career that took him right across Canada.  Having a set of wheels meant we could cover more ground than usual.  And what did we see?

While sipping cappuccino at the gringo coffee shop on the plaza, we noticed a major event involving hundreds of local citizens lined up to cast ballots.  If my later search of the internet did not lead me astray, this may have been a primary-style vote to choose the presidential candidate for the ruling PAN party.  President Felipe Calderon completes his 6-year term this year.  The party's chosen nominee is a Josefina Vazquez Mota. 

It wasn't market day, when a long street in the heart of town is taken over by vendors, but we still found goods of all sorts on offer. 

Jocotepec has a fabulous malecon on its shoreline.  The walkway and park bordering the lake draw local families and visitors for recreation, boat tours, picnics and just to enjoy the splendid scenery.

We chatted with a man taking advantage of the outdoor gym equipment.  He told us he used to live in the US and played in a rock and roll band and that he LOVED Credence Clearwater Revival.  He broke into song and soon the three of us were singing as we peddled our machines.

Cotton Fields  

When I was a little bitty baby
My mama would rock me in the cradle,
In them old cotton fields back home.

It was down in Louisiana,
Just about a mile from Texarkana,
In them old cotton fields back home.

Oh, when them cotton bolls get rotten
You can’t pick very much cotton,
In them old cotton fields back home.

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